Thursday, October 23, 2008

A lasting Nostalgia

Four months have passed since I shifted for work to Bangalore. I remember the day I came. I was only missing my friends other than noticing the lovely change of climate around me. The shift was a big thing – a huge change from those young college days to the corporate world. In spite of the more happening crowd and the ever noisy roads of Bangalore, my life had somehow turned relatively quieter. At Madras I was hardly ever alone. Some friend was always with me. Here in B’lore I had to make the internet and my phone my best friends in order to communicate with my more living friends. I absolutely miss Chennai- my family, my home, my bike, and my lovely friends. How I wish I could relive those moments!

An amazing workplace, great people to work with, a great deal of satisfaction on how my life has headed; but the friends I once used to discuss about such future days - the friends who were part and parcel of the reason what I am right now, are no longer next to me. Time has done its work of changing peoples’ lives. And I think again “How true!! Nothing is permanent but for Change.”

In some ways, I like the shift to Bangalore. It has given me the time I could’ve never probably have had/realized that I have if in Chennai. I seem to be spending the same time in more constructive ways. The shift has added value to my life in many different aspects. Still, the nostalgic feeling does not fade away. The irreplaceable times spent with people who matter most to me, the endless talks even in times of nothings, the roads we roamed, the desserts we binged on, the laughs we rolled with - these memories keep flashing my mind and my thoughts. Then, there are nights like now where I stall my sleep and continue to think – ‘Friend, I miss You’ …


Ram said...

Totally agree.

- Stranger, with same feeling.

Sharnika said...

Awwwwww..:) We are all soo lucky to have ya .. Very well written shwe :)

The Star said...

lowe u toooooo sharni! :)

madhu said...

good one...actually i have had a very similar experience (weather apart :D) except that I have been in Bangalore thru out and work in Chennai now !..