Friday, November 19, 2010

A Fairy Tale ...

I fall apart,

I lose my pride.

I close my eyes,

And splice my price.

I wipe my tears off,

And force on a smile.

I remember Life has been great,

The bad times were never bait.

I know I can walk this through,

It eases when I continue to believe it’s true.

The trying times will fade

Life will once again be great

I await the end to know it has been a fairy tale.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

I wanna row ...

Life moves on ... I don't wanna sit back and see the flow ... I wanna row . I wanna steer the boat to where I want to go ... It doesn't matter that I may lose at the end, I will be happy I enjoyed rowing through it, I will be happy I got there doing what I love doing.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

From my grave

(A thought that passed my mind, contradicting the attitude in my previous post)

If I died today ... What I would feel from my grave ...

I miss having the family we were when I was a kid.
I miss having the fun I did when I was a teenager.
I miss having the independent life when I was working.
I miss having the married life I dreamt I would live with the one I loved.
I miss being me.
I miss having a Life.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Life, friends and changing times ...

Not always can we stay in touch with everyone. It is practically impossible to be as much as in touch with a person time has distanced you from, with whom, you once spent majority of a day sharing lives in a common space. Life keeps changing ... and a friend stays in your heart as someone special because of the way they touch your lives. A person like that, even if u meet ten years later or talk to once in a year, you will not feel the distance because you know they are special and you know you share a bond that brings great memories and will remain memorable forever ...

Thats how life is ... things move on , people touch your lives and such people keep coming ... and Life only gets better ...

Love to all the people who have been and who still are a part of my life ... and some special love to those who are the reason I believe in hope, love, family and friends.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Chocolates ... My love

My love for chocolates stuns me...Add Video
The bond is emotional, almost equal to the bond with Mom(the strongest).
The love began from the time I was a 2year old when my Dad took me in the pram while he walked along and bought me a small chocolate everytime we did that.
One of the biggest reasons losing weight and staying fit is my top priority is the reason that I can have more chocolates when I am fit. (I told you the love stuns me!)
They are the bestest form of edible things ever created by man.
All it needs is chocolate to make me a happy person.
When I was taken to this Dessert place called Happy Endings, I felt like I was taken to my fantasy world. Everything was chocalate! They had a graffitti wall which had cool quotes like 'Save Earth. Its the only planet with Chocolate'; '7 days without chocolate makes one weak'. I fell in love with the place and was as happy as a kid taken to Disneyland.
When I was much younger i dreamed of marrying a guy who owned Cadburys just so I could have loads of chocolates. Or atleast wished my family was related to the Cadbury family.
I envied models who got to be part of Chocolate advertisements - The amount of chocolate you can have in retakes! I always wished I could someday be an actor in a nice Cadbury advertisement =D
I had never tasted soan papdi(an Indian sweet) until Shri Krishna Sweets started selling Chocolate soan papdi.
To me, Dessert=anything Chocolate. I almost never realise there are other forms of desserts.
I am pretty confident I can win a chocolate eating competition.
Bounty is not Chocolate. It is more of a coconut dessert with a hint of chocolate to make it look attractive. Once I had a couple of bountys left from an assorted pack of chocolates. I finished the real chocolates like Mars, Toblerone, Snickers and Milky Way soon enough. I so wanted to have more chocolate that I actually scraped the chocolate layer on the bounty and just threw away the rest of the major part of the bounty bar.
If I feel like having a chocolate,in spite of my laziness I would get out of the house, walk to a shop to buy chocolates for myself.
I like brown because chocolate is brown.
Chocolates is just such a lovely word.
I hate to waste chocolate. I hate to waste food - is only secondary.
I have the tendency to let people know I love chocolate. It is unintentional but that is just an outcome of how much I love chocolate coupled with how expressive I am :)

Chocolate has been the one that has cheered me up whenever I was plain depressed; the one with which I celebrated my first minute of getting my first salary; the one that has made me feel special many times and the one that has saved me from hunger on many busy days! I will always loyally love you Chocolates! Mmuahh :*)