I contribute to a cleaner environment by calling out to friends/strangers who litter on roads/buses and condemn them. These are mostly 'educated' people. Every time I get out, there is at least once I end up doing this. Some people answer in arrogance and my argument with them is bitter; some answer in shame and hesitate to accept their mistake and I tell them nicely to remember to be aware and not do this from next time and they don't deny, the conversation ends pleasant. Either way leaves me with a sense of accomplishment because it matters. We need this. We need people to be wary of the aftermath that's created by what seems like a trivial unruly behavior. What's sad is that a large part of even younger generation exposed to the way the rest of the world works does not realize the significance. What started for me years ago as a conscious effort to help people litter less , is now an imbibed behavior. Even the thought of throwing a small piece of paper on roads or pavements makes me guilty.
If you resonate with my thoughts on importance of a litter free country, please spread the awareness, assume responsibility and encourage people to use dustbins, suggest them to save the trash in hand or a bag pocket until they find a dustbin. If possible, find a dustbin in front of them and throw out the paper they threw if they don't correct their act. Change starts with us. Practice and preach is the need of the hour.
Let's not be a part of what largely describes Indians today:
My friend, do You litter ???
Let's not be a part of what largely describes Indians today: